ABRA Flexi / FlexiBee

Import inventory from Excel to ABRA Flexi / FlexiBee

Create an XLS file and import it as an inventory.

  • Price €4.85 / month
  • Installation and configuration by a Dativery employee (more info): €81
  • Installation and configuration by the user (more info): €0
Privacy: Your authentication info needed.

Adds the ability to import inventory into ABRA Flexi / FlexiBee from XLS, XLSX or CSV formats.

Create a file with this structure (the first row indicates the column name)

  • stock – amount of stock
  • code – Product code
  • purchasePrice – purchase price (optional)
Other functions:
  • Correct purchase prices – If you’ve created zero-price receipts in the past, you can use this tool to set the current purchase price from the price list.
  • Resolve Issue Requirements – Inventory in ABRA Flexi / FlexiBee cannot handle dispense requests. This tool stores all dispensing requests (equalizes the negative stock status to zero)
  • Upload Inventory – Allows you to import inventory from XLS

Connected Applications and Services

Scenario Type: Import inventory from Excel to ABRA Flexi
Developer: Dativery s.r.o.